Heart Orb

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Heart Orb
Heart Orb.png
Category: Upgrade Piece

Heart Orb is a piece of an upgrade to the player's upgrade heart containers. For every 4 orbs collected the player will gain one heart.

The current number of partial hearts complete with Heart Orbs is displayed on the right side of the player's backpack.


Mr. Board's Rumor Mill gives hints for three different Heart Orbs.

Mr. Board's Rumor Mill
Rumor Title Rumor Solution
Trash Talking According to a friend of a friend of a friend...

he'd just nabbed himself a big catch off some high roller... and run into a nearby alleyway to check out his score... when the most sinister of voices called out from behind him. "You shouldn't have done that. It's all ogre now," it said. It was the pile of trash! The pile of trash was talking to him! Scuttling home as fast as his legs would go... he returned what he stole that very night.

Find and speak to Bud in trash cans throughout the city: Uptown? ,the subway station, and the Dragon Market.
Little Statue, Big City According to a friend of a friend of a friend...

the strangest statue was seen huddled beneath the eaves one rainy day. Though never seen again, it was said to have been adorned in a red robe... looking altogether very much like some kind of miniature god.

Find and investigate three statues hidden throughout New Dam City: Princess Avenue, Midtown, and the Dragon Market. Mimi will appear and tell scary stories. Then, walk by the cemetery in Uptown, where Mimi will tell one final story, and award a Heart Orb.
A Little Off the (Muffin) Top According to a friend of a friend of a friend...

he'd been exercising non-stop in hopes of scoring a girlfriend... only, the more pounds he shed, the shakier he became... almost as if he were shedding his very life away. If he keeps this up, he may very well sculpt himself straight into oblivion!

Talk to Dwayne in Uptown. Bring him three recipes to help him change his body: Burger Set (Mikey in Coin Palace), Veggie Stir fry (Lowtown), and Diet Set (Jazz 21 Club).