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Location: New Dam City
“Who am I? Why, I'm the ghost of New Dam City, of course!

After kicking the can, I got stuck in this miserable place...cursed to wander the streets forevermore...”

Mimi is a ghost in New Dam City. She can be summoned at Jizo statues around the city where she'll share old tales of citizens. Finding all her statues will award a heart piece.

Fan Story

This story can be found right of the King Krab, past the alley to the Rocket Mansion, in a second, smaller alley. The Jizo statue will be under a big fan.

Princess Avenue sure has a honkin' number of fans, don't it? Noi-sy! But this one's a bit different, see? Fact, it almost sounds like it's crying. It's all cuz 'a this kid here. See, his ears weren't so good. Could barely hear a thing. Aside from this fan, that is. He'd come down here eeevery day and let the fan blow on his face. And he was sooooo happy! You'd be too if that was the one thing you could hear! Anyway, one day, the fan stopped. Just like that! And this kid, he just loses it. He stretches up, up, up, on his toes...

Jumps as high as his little legs will jump...

And finally, climbs his way all the way up and into the fan...

And then? Hear that?

Well, I think you can imagine what happened next. And to this day, you can still hear him crying.

Alley Story

This story can be found in Midtown. Left of the Earth Born machine, there's an alley. At the end of it is a Jizo statue.

Let me ask you something. This alley. Pretty normal looking alley, yeah? Well, you wouldn't be the first to think so...

Picture this. The sun's going down on a warm summer's day. A kid's saying goodbye to his friends, heading home for the night, just like any other day. Anxious to eat his mom's freshly grilled burgers, he decides to take a shortcut. Oh, how gloriously cool the alley feels after the muggy streets. So he starts going faster, his little shoes slapping the pavement. And as he runs, the alley seems to shrink. Tighter and tighter, the sides of the alleyway are closing in...

Until he has to turn sideways just to keep moving forwards. But the only thing on his mind is his mother's burgers. Faster, he thinks, I need to hurry. And so he keeps pushing and squeezing and inching along...

Until he can push and squeeze and inch no more.

Some say you can still hear him...

Unable to do so much as turn his head as he calls out for his mom again and again....

Hot Spring Story

This story can be found left of the door to the hot springs. The Jizo statue is not hidden.

A big family used to live here, you know. And in that family, a young girl. One day, her family suddenly disappeared. Mommy! Mommy! She cried, running from room to room. But there was no one left. No one except a black cat, yawning silently in the middle of the hall. She wanted to leave and go to the city, but the words of her father held her back. "No matter what happens, you mustn't leave. You must stay and protect the cellar, for there's something very important inside." And so she waited. And she waited and she waited. Until, when someone finally did arive...

All they found was a young lying in front of the cellar...

Her body as cold as ice.

And a black cat, yawning silently in the middle of the hall.

You wanna know what was in the cellar? Why, her family, of course! HAHAHA!

Dragon Gate Story

This story can be found in the dragon market. The Jizo statue is in the top left area, behind a stall.

See that dragon gate over there? I've got a story about it.

You see, there was once a story going 'round among the kids of the city. The gate was made from the jaws of a river dragon, they said. And if you passed through the gate on the night of a full moon... You'd be whisked away to the mighty dragon palace. One especially brave boy decided he was going to try it. Only no one ever saw him again.

That year had the most rain the city had seen in a long time... And the wheat harvest was particularly bountiful.

Since then, whenever a bad season rolls around... People joke that they should send another child to the dragon palace.

Low Town Story

This story can be found in Low Town (inside the sewer north of Dragon Market). The Jizo statue is to the left of the oven and fridge, sitting on a bed.

The heavy curtain of steam... The odious smell of sludge... This foul waterway hasn't changed a bit. To this day, it remains New Dam City's most desolate, most dangerous haunt. And yet it was once the playground of a small child. You see, this child loved studying creepy-crawlies. This peculiar hobby of his earned his a reputation as a bit of an oddball. Names, disparaging looks, the occasional hand to the nose... He'd gotten it all.

But down here, the darkness welcomed him... And the spiders accepted him as their friend. He decided he would live here. Emerging less and less often out into the world above... The people began to forget him.

What happened to him? Well, they say he himself turned into a spider. But I can't be sure myself. After all, I don't speak spider.

Final story

After listening to all of Mimi's stories, she'll tell you this: "I gotta say, I never thought anyone'd stick around for my stories. You're a pretty ok guy. If you've got time, pop by the cemetery downtown."

The final story can be found in Uptown, not downtown. There's a small cemetery there, and just passing by will activate the final story.

There was once a girl that loved to tell tall tales. Dirt poor and an unsightly thing, she lived down in Lowtown. No one liked her. But she could tell some of the best stories. The kind that could really scare the socks off ya. When other kids came to listen, they'd ask, voices quivering... how the stories ended, which was always her favorite part. But then people began to attack her stories. "Like that could really happen!" "You're just making things up again." And fewer and fewer kids came to listen to her. Even the friends that had taken her so long to make... Began coming up with excuses so they wouldn't have to visit her. So she decided to come up with a real whizbanger. She stayed up, weaving the scariest, most horrible...

Most TERRIFYING story she could think of. "They'll never be able to sleep again!" she thought to herself. Barely able to contain her excitement, she ran to the thicket first thing in the morning. And there she waited. And waited. And waited. She waited until the sun set behind the mountain, but still no one came. Heartbroken, she began telling her story to the thicket. Everything grew silent around her. Birds perched on nearby branches, cats knelt by her feet... Everyone and everything listening to her story. She was so happy. Happier than she'd ever been in her entire life. And then the mist came. It filled up the thicket, the animals disappearing and the leaves shriveling...

It was the MIASMA.

And it consumed all.

Well, that was my final story. Thanks for listening. I guess that's it then, huh? We probably wont see each other again. But take this, yeah?

Farewell, my friends.
